Basilisk anime nude fight
Basilisk anime nude fight

basilisk anime nude fight

You could see the fierce look in both the character's faces and their desire to fight. This triggered the Iga character the battle got pretty intense afterwards. The Kouga character grabs in between the legs of the Iga (LOL). As the fight goes on, there was a sudden unexpected move that surprised me. A super sticky substance strong enough to restrain the enemy. In his long tongue, a substance called phlegm. His counterpart from the Kouga uses a weird technique that resembles that of a spider. Both his legs and arms are wrapped in this threat, making it accessible when in need. Somehow he manages to use it at will with just a move of his fingers or legs. This sharp rope is the character's weapon of choice, with it not only he inflicted damaged but also used it to trap his enemy. It’s a think threat made from female black hair and enriched with animal oils. Yashamaru from the Iga has the ability to wield Kokujo or Black Rope. It was a short battle, but not less interesting. As spectators, there was a Tokugawa chief, a swordsmanship instructor, a retired Shogun and the leaders of the factions the Kouga Danjou and the Iga Tsubagakure. Here, a match was about to begin between two rival factions. The takes place in the 19th year of the Keichou (1614 A.D) at the Sunpu Castle. That specific sound, I always resemble it with great samurai’s stories like Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, and Saiyuki. The last scene of the main protagonist playing some kind of flute or clarinet and hearing the sound in the background set the atmosphere for a good samurai story. They don’t lose the female appeal even when looking robust. What I also liked is that the female’s characters are introduced as strong women who are capable of defending themselves and also be charming and beautiful. Some of them look like swordsmen, while others look like ninjas. A bunch of other interesting characters are introduced.

basilisk anime nude fight

By now it’s obvious that the two of them are lovers and not siblings. As I kept watching, these previous characters are then holding on to each other facing one another. That simple scene got my whole attention. The beat of the drums intensifies and the name of the animation appears on screen with some fire flares in the background. As the music starts, the camera moves slowly upwards showing the face of a male character with bright yellow and holding on to a sword and then a female character with long thick hair with light blue eyes. The next thing I watched before the first episode was to take a good look at the opening. The intensity in their eyes, the prominent form of their hairs as well as the colors they chose to represent the characters.

basilisk anime nude fight

Both of them looked really appealing to me. Another thing that I paid attention to was the character’s design. On the other hand, they might be lovers, which would make more sense to me honestly. Also, the male character seems to be very protective of the female character. If you see them closely, they have some resemblance in their facial characteristics. I can’t say they might be siblings although there is a possibility. This because both of them seem really fond of each other. The first thing I thought about when I saw the promotion picture was that it involves a love story between the main characters. I am a big fan of samurai anime, especially if it has some background story on events or names of people that actually existed. I found Basilisk while google-ing some pictures of a samurai. Genres: Action, Adventure, Historical, Supernatural, Romance, Samurai, Fantasy

Basilisk anime nude fight